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The Origin of Father's Day Father's Day is a celebration of fatherhood and a day to honor fathers for all that they do for their families. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in many countries around the world, including the United States and Canada. But how did Father's Day come about? The idea for Father's Day was first proposed by a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. Dodd was inspired by the work of Anna Jarvis, who had founded Mother's Day just a few years earlier. Dodd wanted to create a special day to honor her father, William Smart, who had raised her and her siblings on his own after their mother died. Dodd's idea quickly gained popularity, and the first official Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane, Washington on June 19, 1910. Over the years, other countries began to adopt the holiday, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and many others. However, it wasn't until 1966 that Father's Day was officially recognized by the United States government. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. Since then, Father's Day has become an important holiday for families around the world. Children and spouses buy gifts, make cards, and prepare special meals to show their appreciation for their fathers. It's a day to express gratitude for all the sacrifices and hard work that fathers do to take care of their families. In conclusion, Father's Day is a beloved holiday that honors fathers for their important role in families. It began as the vision of one woman who wanted to honor her own father, and it has grown into a special day celebrated by millions around the world. So this Father's Day, take some time to appreciate the father figure in your life and show them your love and appreciation.


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