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Blooming with Bloom: The Story of League of Legends' Tank Support - Braum League of Legends, the wildly popular MOBA game, has been praised for its diverse roster of champions. From high-powered mages to assassins that strike from the shadows, the options are endless. However, in every game, there are those select few heroes that are designed specifically with a playstyle in mind - a certain archetype that they must fulfill. And that is where Braum comes in. Braum is a support tank champion introduced in League of Legends' Spring 2014 patch. Hailing from the frozen tundras of Freljord, Braum is a gentle giant with a heart of gold, dedicated to protecting his allies no matter the cost. He is a melee champion with high durability, able to withstand incoming damage while also providing crowd control and defensive tools for his team. Braum's kit revolves around his passive, "Concussive Blows". Every time Braum hits an enemy with one of his basic attacks or abilities, they gain a stack of Concussive Blows. Once an enemy has been hit with four stacks, they are stunned for a brief period of time. In addition to his passive, Braum's other abilities also enhance his tankiness and utility. His Q, "Winter's Bite", is a skillshot that damages and slows enemies. His W, "Stand Behind Me", allows him to shield an ally and dash towards them. His E, "Unbreakable", creates a shield in front of him that blocks incoming projectiles. And his ultimate, "Glacial Fissure", creates a large wall of ice that damages and knocks up enemies. Braum's playstyle is all about protecting his allies and locking down enemies. He is a hero that excels not in killing his opponents, but in making it difficult for them to do anything else. He has the ability to peel for his carries, disrupt enemy teamfights, and set up ganks for his jungler. His durability and crowd-control make him a formidable foe in the hands of a skilled player. In conclusion, League of Legends' Braum is a versatile and iconic champion that has become a staple pick in professional esports. He exemplifies the tank support archetype, excelling at crowd control, durability, and team synergy. From his jolly demeanor to his classic mustache, Braum has carved out a special place in the hearts of League players and fans alike. So next time you're in need of a guardian angel on the Summoner's Rift, look no further than Braum - a true hero blooming with potential.


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